[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="490" caption="Health Museum of Dr. Adhyatma, MPH - Surabaya "]
Health Museum of Dr. Adhyatma, MPH
In order to save and to maintan the nation's cultural heritage, the Ministry of Health of Indonesia through the Center for Research and Technology Development and Health Services in Surabaya, initiated a health museum since 1990. The museum collects and displays health historical items since the earlier time until now. Formally on September 14, 2004, the Minister of Health inaugurated the museum and named "Health Museum of Dr. Adhyatma, MPH - MOH".
In regard to these efforts, have also realized even more advanced age, more sophisticated technology, but the nation's ancestors heritage, including the health culture can not simply left.
Therefore, the Health Museum, expected to become a medium of education or the health center learning for the public and the scientific community who care about health effort.
The purpose of this museum was built to save and preserve objects of historical value to the time of the health sector until now. Besides this museum also gives information to the today generations and future generations about health intricacies of the history, culture, science and so on.
This museum has equipped with a "special library" which collects and serves all library materials: books, magazines, recording tapes, video footage and others. Library materials allows for the deepening of cultural studies in health.
The collection is include all of historic objects in health services from various regions, race / ethnicity, religion / beliefs, etc; has realized in: the original object, object imitation, replica, photograph or image. While the exposure or exhibition technical in the museum is presented in a different room or a group show called 'Sasana", which is:
1. Sasana Adhyatma (Adhyatma Room)
This Sasana presents various collections of the late Dr. Adhyatma MPH when he served as Minister of Health in 1988 untill 1993. There is also a collection of inscriptions.
2. Sasana Kencana (Kencana Room)
In this room exhibited a variety of historical objects of decoration, badges of precious metal, a letter of appreciation and so on related health struggle. In the room was also presented the history and health profile of the museum pioneer.
3. Sasana Kespro (Reproduction Health Room)
Storing and displaying various items / equipment of reproduction health including; the health of mothers and children from different cultures or cultural, pregnancy health, childbirth and family planning.
4. Sasana Genetika (Genetics Room)
In this room and show the various genealogy lineage that is closely related to genetics of a dynasty, such as genealogy of various royal families in Indonesia.
5. Sasana Kesehatan Budaya (Culture Health Room)
Health efforts based on belief or supernatural, unseen world is a culture reality that had exist and developed since past time ago. An interesting phenomenon as well be a challenge for all of us to examine and uncover the mystery, so that can be utilized for our health, prosperity and humanity.
6. Sasana Fauna (Fauna Room)
We must remain alert to the animals around us. Various animals can be a mediator of disease (vector), but there are also some animals that merit as a medicine and so help us all.
7. Sasana Medik dan Non Medik (Medical And Non-Medical Room)
Various medical and non-medical health equipments are stored and displayed in this room. These objects are used by health institutions in the past times and become great historic services for our society health.