Monday, November 1, 2010

Salted Egg Product

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Duck Breeding And Salted Egg Industry

Salted eggs is one way to increase egg usage which is commonly done by the community. Salted eggs is one protein sources that easily available and relatively inexpensive. Salted eggs is one of food ingredients that has been preserved and having a durability of damage is better than raw eggs.

Kebonsari village, Candi district, Sidoarjo, is the place of duck breeding and salted egg industry. It was started on 1992, there are 30 inhabitants that having duck breeding, which each of them having 40.000 or 50.000 ducks in their stock. Those breed are produce thousand kilos of egg that ready to be salted and sale for almost Indonesia area.

This Inauguration Duck and Salted Eggs industrial is become a model of populist economic empowerment through the existing potentials of the society.

Kebonsari duck breeders products are potentialy good, both in quality and taste, the Omega 3 content from the eggs is good, and can be seen from the reddish-colored of egg yolks.

However, to obtain the egg quality result, it requires expert staffs and require more cost. Moreover, the breeder should provide good nutrition to provide appropriate nutrient composition by mixing it properly.

The products which are available is raw egg, hard-boiled egg and flavor egg. Fortunately, the flavor eggs is not yet available for market because the expired due date is just for one week That make the producers limiting the production before the any order required. The producers plant to make some flavor into the egg like, durian, chocolate, strawberry and salmon.

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