Sunday, December 6, 2009

Blitar Traditional Cake

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="600" caption="Wajik Kletik - Blitar"]Wajik Kletik - Blitar[/caption]

Wajik Kletik: Blitar Traditional Food.

Wajik kletik is made by white sticky rice, coconut, white sugar and brown sugar. Wajik kletik such an icon, especially at Blitar's people, beside the taste is good, it wraps with particular paper called klobot. Klobot is kind of corn's layer leaf. The vendor is mostly located at Industrial center on Sultan Agung near at Gebang Ndalem, Blitar District Sananwetan City (+ 1 km east towards the central city of Blitar).

More info visit: