Thursday, November 5, 2009

Goa Tetes

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="600" caption="Goa Tetes - Lumajang"]Goa Tetes - Lumajang[/caption]

Goa Tetes

Goa Tetes is Cave tourism in there is stalagtit and stalagmite with colour multifarious.

Located in Sidomulyo village and Pronojiwo district.travelled distance from Lumajang town ± 55 Km to side South, keep handy with vehicle of wheel two / four, one line with object wisata Piket Nol, the next of journey is continued by walking to decline doorstep along the length of ± 3 Km to come to to goa orifice, with field enough challanges.

Many visited by young mudi and are believed by public can firm up again household train.

For more detail: