Monday, August 10, 2009

Bihaaru Bahri Koronic School

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Bihaaru Bahri Ponpes Malang"]Bihaaru Bahri Ponpes Malang[/caption]

Pondok Pesantren

Salafiyah Koranic School is located on KH. Wahid Hasyin street, Sananrejo Village, distric of Turen, Malang, East Java. The early name was Bihaaru Bahri Asali Fadlaailir Rahma ( Bi Ba'a Fadlah), which mean as Segarane, Segara, Madune or Bless. Bi Ba'a Fadlrah was build on 1963 by the great Romo Kyai Haji Ahmad Bahru Mafdlaluddin Shaleh dottorino Rahmat Al-Alam, for about 4 ha area.

The main education development from this school is intensely providing a media for youngster to get closer with God, creating peacefulness and increasing faith to their Lord. Furthermore, by those educations we expected the youngster will get their understanding about kindness among people and God.

Visitors Guide.
To maintain the procedural, and to prevent the things that are not right, some of the following information can be made as a guide if you want to visit PP Bi Salafiyah Ba'a Fadlrah:

Please report to the picket officer who is in the Post on the main gate. Gratitude purpose and your goals. Do not forget, ask for the pass as a substitute for a permit to enter the hut. Fill in the information listed in the pass with a clear and correct. For example, your name, address, number of entourage as well as the number of vehicles. We suggest, what is written on the card can be entered.
Do not decrease, raising the passenger vehicle and park in any place. Parkirlah your vehicle only in the appropriate fields. Not permitted to stop, reduce passenger and parking along the road in the hut. Ask to sign your vehicle in the parking officer who was appointed by the hut.

Please report your arrival and leave pass that you have acquired in the Post Home staff to picket the information in the space II. You can request assistance officers picket to guide your trip around the hut. If you want to go home, do not forget to return the card and request entry card on the picket out in the Information Room II. Includes complete book about the effects you feel during a visit to the hut. For visitors who want to complete a personal problem, are the picket officer to write a complaint in the book on what the problems or desires. The note should be a short course, the main origin of the problem clearly. Does not need to be explained extensively.
If you want to travel alone, please. You are allowed to see and go to all places and rooms that have in and outside the hut. Unless the room where the family lived and marked with the kitchen door closed.

Attentions for the visitors to obey the signs of the page and in the hut. Whether the prohibition on signs for a place through, and restrictions to sit down, raise and lower passengers. Including rules about when you want to leave the hut. We recommend that you do not forget to submit the card out to the officer that there is a guard in front of the Post. Without carrying out the card, you will be prompted to request the card back out of the picket is in the Space Information II.

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