Monday, July 20, 2009

Pasuruan Floral Market

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Fas Flora Market - Pasuruan"]Fas Flora Market - Pasuruan[/caption]

Fas Flora Market

Krisan as one of crosscut forsythia and pot have growed in Tutur district Said sub-province Pasuruan in the form of agribusiness. success Usahatani which only 70% in consequence of lowering of energy production because attack disease leaf rust, push performed it study usahatani some new pre-eminent vareities. Study which is executed by by Mei-Agustus 2007, aim to for ( 1) know new high yielding variety krisan appropriate dibudidayan in Prima agribusiness laboratory Farmer Pasuruan sub-province, ( 2) know new high yielding variety krisan which is enthused by market, and ( 3) know new high yielding variety of resistant krisan to disease leaf rust. Result of study indicates that Puspita Nusantara variety, Pitaloka, Sakuntala, Candra Kirana and Nyi Ageng Serang from compatible Balithi Cipanas is conducting by in Prima laboratory Farmer Pasuruan sub-province. However, out of five studied by varieties, only three varieties which is enthused by by market that is Sakuntala, Pitaloka and Puspita Nusantara. Third of this variety also pertained to be resistant to disease leaf rust.

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