Kakek Bodo Waterfall
It is located at Tretes and belongs to Pasuruan forest range unit. It can be accessible from Surabaya for about 45 minutes drive. Kakek Bodo is an esthatic Forest lines are located at the Pasuruan Forest District, Forest Ranger unit of the west Lawang, Sub Forest Ranger of Prigen. It's about 35 km from Pasuruan. This recreational forest has surrounded by pine forest and other trees such as, Akasia (acacia decurrens). Kaliandra (Calliandra Calathyrsus) and Mahoni (Swientenia Macraphylla). In this area we can find the kakek Bodo Waterfall 40 meters height, the esthetic forest cross, recreational park for children, and the grave of Kakek Bodo.
Enjoy its fresh air, beautiful scenery and clear water in Kakek Bodo waterfall with your family. This waterfall is surrounded by beautiful forest, so that it add the natural view of this tourism object.
There are many visitor who commonly visit this tourism location in holiday. They also usually have camp activity in group or with their family member.
More info: www.eastjava.com
Monday, December 5, 2011
The Step To The Waterfall
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Lombang Beach Madura
Lombang Beach
Lombang beach is interesting tourism object to be promoted to all Indonesia area, even to the world. The position of Lombang beach in south sea of Java Island can facilitated the visitors to see the beautiful sunrise. The other facility around Lombang beach is foods and beverage merchants, such as; Rujak and young coconut ice. The beach is very clean and has clear water with interesting small heap of white sand.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Gili Ketapang
Gili Ketapang
Gili Ketapang is an island that is North Sea of Probolinggo. It has beautiful scenery and there are many sands in the east and south of this, unpolluted and bluish. There are many kinds of colorful corals. It is about 5 miles from Ujung Tembaga port and takes 30 minutes by boat. The population is 7.600, the most of them are Madurese and almost 90% are fishermen.
Beside its scenery, there is also “Goa Kucing”. According to historical, this is the rest place of Syech Ishaq, a person who spread Islam from Blambangan, Banyuwangi. At that time, there are thousands cats, but finally the cats are gone everywhere. Up to know, on Friday “Legi”, the sound of those cats is heard from the dark cave and it will lose when we are trying to find it.
The other unique of this island is people believe that this island have a mysterious power, which can move to the middle of sea. According to them, when Semeru Mountain had exploded, there was an earthquake and the land of Ketapang village had separated to middle of sea about 5 miles from Probolinggo. Because of that, people call this island “Gili Ketapang”. Gili comes from, which means, “Flow” and “Ketapang” is the name of the village.
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Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Baluran National Park Is In Situbondo, Not Africa
Baluran National Park
Baluran national park is a forest preservation area that extends about 25.000 ha on the north coast of East Java. It located in Sumberwaru village, Banyuwangi district, Situbondo, precisely on the east border of Java Island.
The visitors that come to Baluran national park will experience the exotic panorama of Savannah and mount Baluran, which is inactive volcano and inhabited by exotic animals like wild pigs, deer, peacocks, wild chicken, some species of monkeys and also bulls as the protected animals in the area.
Moreover, you can enjoy the amazing scenery of the forest and do the safari activities in the wild life and feel the magic of the forest. This park is so unique because 15 km from the main entrance, you can find a beautiful white beach called Bama Beach, here is the habitat of coral reef, fish and mangrove.
The Exotic Ranu Kumbolo
Ranu Kumbolo
Similar to Ranu Pane and Ranu Regulo, Ranu Kumbolo is wider than both lakes, which has 8 ha and located at 22,390 m above sea level. Ranu Kumbolo is formed from massive crater of Jambangan Mountain.
For those who like to hike, Ranu Kumbolo is the pit stop to prepare their adventure. Moreover, Ranu Kumbolo is also providing a hut for hikers and there is camping ground to sleep over. Also, there is an ancient monument that standing on Ranu Kumbolo. Local people believe that monument were already existed since Majapahit Empire.
Fresh air, clear water, nice atmosphere is the thing that the visitors can get while spending time in these marvelous lakes. Forget the daily routines, sweep away the burdens, Ranu Pane, Ranu Regulo and Ranu Kumbolo is the perfect place to recharge your body and soul.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
The Caping Dance
Caping Ngancak Dance
Caping Ngancak dance is one of traditional dances in Lamongan regency. The dance is describes about farmers in their rice field showing the process from grow the rice until they get harvest. Like farmers, the dancers also wearing 'Caping', which is a special hat that only wore by farmer in Indonesia.
This dance is performed by group of young females who wore village costumes in modern style and bring Caping as the main property.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Mask Puppet Show
Mask Puppet
Mask puppet is other form of Puppet shows in East Java. Mask puppet is growing in Malang, Probolinggo, Situbondo and Sumenep. The show is like a human puppet, which the puppet played by the human players using mask. The story itself based on Mahabarata and Ramayana classic story, but in Topeng of Malang, there is also Panji’s story, a classic Javanese hero.
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The Sparkling Nuance On Pathek Beach
Pathek Beach
This beach is located in north of Situbondo. It's about 5 km from the centre of Situbondo. In here you will see the natural beach and the fantastic panorama when it goes sunset.
In the west of Pathek beach, you can see remain of past times, that is Panarukan Street, Situbondo. This street was build by Dutch government. The exactly Pathek Beach is in Gelung Village, Panarukan district, Situbondo.
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Siwalan, Legen And Tuak
Siwalan Plantation
Siwalan is a type of palm trees that grow in many coastal regions in hot and dry area with the sea breeze is blowing a little stronger. Tuban Regency and some areas along the north coast (Pantura) of Java, is the endemic place from Siwalan tree.
One of the products from this fruit is Legen, which the water of the fruit. It sweet and fresh and can be fermented into tradition liquor called tuak. While the fruit of siwalan is having sweet and chewy texture like jelly.
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Monday, October 3, 2011
The History Of Singo Ulung Dance
Singo Ulung Dance
Singo Ulung dance is a traditional art dance from Bondowoso that annually been performed at Bondowoso's anniversary. This traditional dance was created by a respected man named Singo. Singo was name of a person who came from Blambangan. He was ran from Blambangan to save himself and stayed in Blimbing village, Klabang district Bondowoso. Singo Ulung and his wife Nyi Moena with Ki Jasiman, were helping and cooperating each other to create a prosperous life of society at Blimbing village. He cared about the rice field and the other people daily needed. Many people were proud about him. Thats why, he was choose to become the first head village of Blimbing village.
One day, he had an idea to create a public traditional dance called Singo Ulung which was played by two people. This dance has accompanied with particular music which makes the audience feel astonished. This art together with Pojian art, Ojung art are always showed at the traditional ceremony namely Bersih Desa Blimbing which is always held every year (the month of Syaban / Ruwah). In the other hand, this art performance can be enjoyed in the annual moment of Hari Jadi Bondowoso precisely at 16 August.
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Kesiman Temple
Kesiman Temple
Kesiman Temple is located in Kesiman Tengah village, Pacet district, Mojokerto regency. In Kesiman temple there are only the foot and body part remain. This temple is looks out upon west direction. On its fourth body part, has crafted some relief in Javanese style, medallion, rectangle, and human shape.
In medallion, there is animal relief; then in rectangle, there is entertainer. The up stair is located in southwest and southeast side. The under part of stair in southeast is getting broken. The north side wall of the entertainer is dragon relief that pull by two human, in left and right side. While, in right and left side of the up stair is “Gana”.
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Thursday, September 29, 2011
East Java On October 2011
The East Java’s Calendar of Events 2012 contains the schedule of some traditional ceremonies, traditions, festivals and performances which held in the cities and the regencies in East Java. It is designed to promote and to publicize the tourism agenda in the whole area in East Java.
It is important to inform that the local communities usually determine the schedules of the ceremonial events by using the calendars of Javanese, Moslem, and Hindu Tenggerese. Therefore, to assure the exact date of the events, it is advisable to confirm the local Government Tourist Offices.
We hope the East Java’s Calendar of Events 2012 will be helpful and useful for visitors and travelers.
In order to have good catch of fishing and to express thanksgiving to the Almighty God, the fishermen living around Prigi Beach and Karanggongso Village launches offering (food crops) into the sea and stages ritual procession, bamboo horse dance and leather puppet show. Location: Prigi Beach, Trenggalek Regency. |
In order to have good catch of fishing and to express thanksgiving to the Almighty God, the fishermen living around Prigi Beach and Karanggongso Village launches offering (food crops) into the sea and stages ritual procession, bamboo horse dance and leather puppet show. Location: Blado Beach, Trenggalek Regency. |
9-10 October - KARO CEREMONY | |
It is a tradtional ceremony held by Tennggerese commmunity for seven days consecutively in the hope to keep alive the custom and tradition. It is highlighted with traditional dances like Sodoran, Ojung and Nyadran. Location: Ngadisari, Probolinggo Regency |
The traditional and ritual procession begins with a ritual offering continued by throwing young coconuts from one person to another between two groups. This event aims to commemorate the opening of Sekar Village. Location: Donorejo, Pacitan Regency | |
To express thanksgiving to the Almighty God, the farmers that living around Bagong Dam area hold ritual ceremony dedicated to the dam initiator Menak Sopal. Visit his tomb, launch buffalo head into the sea, stage bamboo horse dance and leather puppet show. Starts at 05.00 am - 18:00 pm Location: Ngantru, Trenggalek Regency | |
The celebration depicts the procession of Arya Wiraraja inauguration as the first regent in Sumenep and stages the cultural performances and traditional music involving artists and students. Location: Sumenep Regency | |
Grand Final of Bull Race Location: Pamekasan | |
The inauguration of Waranggono (the dancers that having succeeded in learning Tayub dance) is held at the dance center of Langen Tayub Anjuk Ladang. Location: Sambirejo, Nganjuk Regency |
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Monday, September 26, 2011
Chicken Soto Lamongan
Soto Lamongan
This food is one of the famous foods in entire Indonesia. Soto, is such a beef or chicken soup. In some regency in East Java or even in Indonesia have their own type of soto. The most famous one is coming from Lamongan.
Soto Lamongan have rich ingredients that mix together into a bowl completed by hot spicy broth. The condiments are: rice, glass noodle, chicken shredded, chicken liver, young egg, boil shredded egg, fried onion and celery.
Do not forget the sambal sauce to make it hotter and add the koya to make it thicker. Koya is made by fried garlic and shrimp cracker that crushed into powder. The use of koya is to make the soup become thick and lumpy.
It so yummy...
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Wooden Puppet
Handmade Wooden Puppet
Puppet is the famous traditional performance in Java island. There are many kind of Puppet, such as; human puppet, wooden puppet, leather puppet, etc. All of those puppets usually played in special event.
Nganjuk is one of area that produces leather puppet. This kind of puppet is made of animal leather, such as; goat or deer. The processes of leather puppet are by choosing good leather, designed it as puppet, dried and begin to color.
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The Dawn At Teleng Ria Beach
Teleng Ria Beach
Teleng Ria beach is the nearest destination while visiting Pacitan Regency, it is about 5 minutes from the city. This beach faced to 'Pantai Selatan' or South Sea with the extent of white sand along 3 km. The distance from the Capital of Pacitan regency to the location is only 3,5 km, and it is easily reached with various vehicle.
The wave is medium and enjoyable for swimming and also to have a picnic with family. It has white sand and beautiful panorama guarded by limo mountains.
The visitors can enjoy the south sea wave, swimming pool and play ground, a stage for cultural event for Bonggo Budoyo and camping area, fishing area, hotels, and traditional food of Pacitan.
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Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Monday, September 19, 2011
Four Face Buddha Surabaya
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Four Face Buddha
Buddha Empat Muka or Four Faces Buddha statue is located at one of the corners of the famous Pantai Ria Kenjeran, a beach area in the city of Surabaya that also famous for its fisheries products and place to hang out.
The four faces Buddha statue represents the four good traits of Buddha, which loves, generosity, fair and meditating. Those four goodnesses implies on, Buddha is good among human beings, to help anyone without discrimination, and faithful in prayer or petition, and those are submitted in a ritual procession.
This statue having similarity with the Buddha statue in Bangkok, which represents face of peace and health, face of good relationships, face of fortune and face of protection against evil.
This four kindness is also had a meaning of, Buddha is a presentation of affection of fellow being, assist whoever without discrimination, and devoted in prayer or application that submitted in ritual procession. While on Buddha eight hands, there are holy book, holy water, defense weapon, fight weapon to against the badness, holy book, prayer beads, chest, and cupu.
Four Faces Buddha was inaugurated in November, 9 2004. With the spectacular building, this statue can be one of the interesting destination in Surabaya. Moreover, this statue was awarded by MURI as the highest and the largest statue in Indonesia.
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Jangkar Beach
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Jangkar Beach
Jangkar is one of the beaches and harbors in Situbondo. This harbor is quite busy during shipping activities from Situbondo to Kalianget, Madura. There is lighthouse and also fish aouction to buy fresh fishes. Jangkar harbor is located in Asembagus district, Situbondo, about 10 km to the eastern of Situbondo regency.
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Sien Orchid, See The Orchids
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Sien Orchid Agrotourism
Sien Orchid is an orchid garden which stores various kinds of orchids and ornamental plants, located in between Pandaan Tretes access road, where the tourists can see beautiful orchids and both can be bought as souvenirs. In this place also cultivated a variety of orchids for sale on the preservation or for public sale.
They have Dendrobium, Vanda, Cattleya, Rhyncostylist , Phanalaenopsis and many more as their collections.
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Friday, August 26, 2011
East Java On September
The East Java’s Calendar of Events 2012 contains the schedule of some traditional ceremonies, traditions, festivals and performances which held in the cities and the regencies in East Java. It is designed to promote and to publicize the tourism agenda in the whole area in East Java.
It is important to inform that the local communities usually determine the schedules of the ceremonial events by using the calendars of Javanese, Moslem, and Hindu Tenggerese. Therefore, to assure the exact date of the events, it is advisable to confirm the local Government Tourist Offices.
We hope the East Java’s Calendar of Events 2012 will be helpful and useful for visitors and travelers.
1 – 7 September - SEBLANG OLEHSARI
Seblang is a ceremony of village purification highlighted with mystical traditional dance called Seblang. Women will play it for seven days in row. This ritual dance aims to drive away the evil spirit. In the last day, the dancers parade throughout the village by distributing some flowers and the villagers try to get and keep it at their home as an amulet.
Location: Glagah, Banyuwangi Regency
8 September - FISH AUCTION
It is held to welcome Idul Fitri highlighted with special fish (Bandeng) auction. The fish is taken from either dry water or salty one.
Location: Market, Gresik Regency
The religious rituals of Hindu society that are consecutively held in 3 days before Nyepi holiday on the beach of Balekambang. The ceremony launches offerings to the sea to express thanksgiving and pray together to drive away the evil spirit.
Location: Sendang Biru Beach, Tambakrejo, Malang Regency
It is a tradtional ceremony held by Tennggerese commmunity for seven days consecutively in the hope to keep alive the custom and tradition. It is highlighted with traditional dances like Sodoran, Ojung and Nyadran.
Location: Tosari, Pasuruan Regency.
September - SKILOT
To celebrate the seventh day after Lebaran Day, the Pasuruan community holds the competition of sky on the mud.
Location: Lekok, Pasuruan Regency
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Wingko Babat
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Wingko is one of Indonesia traditional foods. People recognize this food as Wingko Babat from Semarang, Central Java. Whereas, Babat is a small town in Lamongan Regency, East Java. And it is true; this food is particularly Lamongan traditional food.
Wingko is cake made by coconut and sticky rice. It taste sweet and savoury at the same time, and having chewy texture in every bite. It mostly having round shape or in small round flips.
It sweet everyone...
Sunday, August 7, 2011
East Java On August
The East Java’s Calendar of Events 2012 contains the schedule of some traditional ceremonies, traditions, festivals and performances which held in the cities and the regencies in East Java. It is designed to promote and to publicize the tourism agenda in the whole area in East Java.
It is important to inform that the local communities usually determine the schedules of the ceremonial events by using the calendars of Javanese, Moslem, and Hindu Tenggerese. Therefore, to assure the exact date of the events, it is advisable to confirm the local Government Tourist Offices.
Visit Indonesia to see various kinds of spectacular attraction and colorful carnivals that held throughout the country. The event will be an unforgettable moment that you should not missed. It is not only aim to glorify the historical value and patriotism among Indonesian but also to express thankfulness to God for getting freedom from the Dutch colonialism.
Location:Throughout the country
- Ritual procession proceeds from the Maha Vihara Mojopahit to Brahu Temple in Bejijong, km away.
- Lighting thousands of candles at Brahu Temple by the participants
- Ashada ceremony celebrated by the Family of Budhayana
- The participants of the ceremony are monks
- The parade is followed by the monks from all over Indonesia and highlighted with a various local performances and dances: horse, Reyog, mask, etc.
Location : Maha Vihara Mojopahit, Mojokerto
THE Parade of traditional performance, Kresnayana Dance, is staged at the complex of Penataran Temple,
Location:Nglegok Sub district, Blitar Regency
The Performances of traditional art and culture and float paradeS are held to commemorate the anniversary of Blitar Regency.
Location:Blitar Regency
14–15 August - YADNYA KASADA
This is an annual midnight offering ceremony held by Tenggerese community at Ngadisari Village, Probolinggo Regency. The procession begins with an inaugural ceremony for the most honored man among the Tenggerese.
It highlighted with a traditional ballet performance and followed by inauguration of Tenggerese Priests. Then at dawn, the priests prepare themselves for the ritual offerings by magic spells. Thousands of pilgrims bring local products as the offering to thrown into the crater in the hope that they receive the blessing of Betoro Bromo, the Fire God of Mt. Bromo.
Location:Probolinggo Regency, and Pasuruan Regency
To commemorate the anniversary of Bondowoso Regency, traditional performances such as Singo Ulung dance depicting the legend from Bondowoso and colossal drama depicting the founder of Bondowoso, Ki Bagoes Asra, are held at town square.
Location: Bondowoso Town Square
Fluttering of flag ceremony is held in the peak of Mount Semeru. It is usually done by local and foreign mountain hikers.
Location:Mount Semeru, Lumajang
Probolinggo City holds art and cultural performances and float parade to commemorate the city anniversary
Location: Probolinggo City.
Celebrating the IndependenCE day of the Republic of Indonesia, the Madurese Community that living in Pasuruan held Bull Race.
Location: Pasuruan Regency
This event is held by the community of Tutur Sub district, Pasuruan Regency to express thanksgiving for the abundant natural wealth and good harvest. The series of activities are held including a parade and carnival culture, the ritual burial of the cow head as a symbol of sacrifice, cultural arts performances such as Jaran Goyang, Ojung, Campursari Music, Patrol Music, and Self-defense, Al Banjari, Parade of Band and Bazaar.
Location: Tutur, Pasuruan Regency
The series of activities such as Cultural performances, visiting the tomb of Trenggalek Founder, reciting Holy Qur'an, heirloom parade, leather puppet show and fireworks are held to commemorate the Trenggalek Regency Anniversary.
Location:Trenggalek Regency.
Reog is a traditional dance originating from Ponorogo Regency. The group usually comprises of 30 members including dancers, musicians and supporters. The dancers wear a mask made from the head of tiger and the feathers of peacock. The mask weighs about 40 kg. It is organized by the Government of Surabaya Municipality in cooperation with Purbaya in order to raise the groups of Reyog Ponorogo, which still exist in Surabaya.
Location: Surabaya
August - SAPI SONO
It is a beauty contest of a couple of cows. Besides selecting the healthiest and the best physical performance, the cows should face the mirror. Those that run away from the mirror are the loser.
Location: Pamekasan
To celebrate the harvest time, the communities of Setro Village held the wrestling competition.
Location: Setro Menganti Village, Gresik Regency
Location: Menganti, Gresik Regency
Bull racing is a traditional culture in Madura Island, which is very famous for Madurese people. It is highlighted with various Madurese traditional art performances such as Sapi Sonok (bull beauty contest), Saronen music, and mass dance.
Location: Sampang Regency
August – October - BULL RACE IN SUMENEP
Bull racing is a traditional culture in Madura Island, which is very famous for Madurese people. It is highlighted with various Madurese traditional art performances such as Sapi Sonok (bull beauty contest), Saronen music, and mass dance.
Location: Sumenep Regency
August – October - SAPI SONO
It is a beauty contest of a couple of cows. Besides selecting the healthiest and the best physical performance, the cows should face the mirror. Those that run away from the mirror are the loser.
Location: Sumenep Regency
Thursday, July 28, 2011
The History Of Ngetos Temple
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Ngetos Temple
Candi Ngetos located at Ngetos village, Ngetos district about 5 kilometers to the south of Nganjuk town. There is an inheritance from the year of 859 Saka or 937 Masehi. This inheritance was made from the red bricks. On that place, Anjuk Ladang, the ancient inscription was also found. Near to this place, there is an historical ancient inheritance that was known by Candi Ngetos. According to the historian, based on that temple form, this temple has made in XV century (Majapahit era). Phisically, this temple has broken and it can not identify anymore. It leave the main of the temple, that has four relief.
This temple is believed as Hayam Wuruk (the famous King of Mojopahit) grave. At that time, he want to be buried in a place which stay in front of the Wilis mountain. This area is one of Mojopahit part. Then Hayam Wuruk has an idea and asked his uncle (the King of wind) named Raden Condromowo and titled Raden Ngabei Selopurwoto, to built the temple. He also asked his uncle to buried him in this temple if he had die. The society around also believe that in Ngetos, there was twin temple and called Tajum temple. But one of them was bigger than the other. It was said that the Hayam Wuruk grave was in the temple that was gone.
Songgoriti Temple
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Songgoriti Temple
Songgoriti is located in Songgokerto village, Batu district, under the hillside of Mount Panderman and has a hot spring pool. There is temple Songgoriti and Ganesha Statue as the empire omission of Singosari and Dutch era. Songgoriti Temple is located in a dale dissociating between mountainsides of Arjuna with mountainside of Kawi. This temple has built with a hot spring, which had believed able to heal various diseases. Seen from its simple architecture style, this temple classified as eldest temple in Central Java and the decoration described Central Java manner.
Songgoriti tourism object is surrounded by nature scenery, so that it has fresh and cool air. This object is very interesting for anyone who wants to walk around for having relaxed or feel the real nature nuance.
Plengkung Beach
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Plengkung Beach
Plengkung is known as one of the best surfing beaches in the world. The word of “G” in “G-Land” derives from Grajagan, the name of the bay where the huge waves were found at the south of the Banyuwangi. It is surrounded by virgin tropical land forest. G lad offers the worlds most demanding surfing sport, and recommended for professional surfers only. May to October is the best time for surfing. No doubt it is a world of surfer paradise. Most surfers start from Bali, take an overland to Banyuwangi and directly to National Park of Alas Purwo, G-Land or cross the Grajagan Bay to Plengkung beach where the waves challenge invite the surfers.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
The Melody On Tabuhan Cave
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Tabuhan Cave
According to the public story around, Tabuhan cave has found by Kyai Santiko who lost his ox but finnaly the ox was come to a cave. His ox didn't want to out from the cave, because it save many water from the root on it. After the brushwood has cleaned, the cave was taken care by Raden Bagus Joko Lelono and a princess Raden Ayu Mardilah.
Tabuhan Cave is on the southwest coast East Java, is the emmense interior of Tabuhan cave. This cave called Tabuhan because it sounds like local musicians play tunes by striking lomesone stalactites that resound in perfect pitch to the music.
The cave it self is spectacular, its varilored stalagmites reaching upwards as high as 50 meters toward pendant stalagtites formed by water dripping from the roof.
It is called as Tabuhan cave because if lapped will yield sound like rhythm of Javanese music (gamelan). Tabuhan cave is initialy known as Tapan cave because since ahead applied by the chevaliers for some meditation like; Sanggargenu, Bambang Trigo. Wareng village is recognized caused the legend of Banteng Wareng which is descendant of Sultan Yogyakarta. It is told also in 1825 happened war Diponegoro, Raden Banteng Wareng show his patriotic soul opposed the colonized with Diponegoro.
Segoro Anakan Means Little Ocean
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Segoro Anakan
Segoro Anakan is good for sailling sports and fishing. It is still natural and has not been developed. It is a virgin mangrove forest tourism object. the visitors can visit Segoro Anakan through Grajagan coast by boat. It takes about 45 minutes.
Segoro Anak is a small bay with the widest mangrove forest in East Java. Based on some research, it founds 26 kinds of 16-mangrove family that dominated with Rhizopora, Bruguiera, Avicenia and Sonneratia. Schypiphora hydrophylaceae and Ceriops decandra is the two kinds of rareness mangrove. This area is very suitable for water sport like; water sky, oar, and swimming. Segoro Anak has 18.8 km length and 400 m width. One time, the visitors can enjoy many kind of migrant birds from Australia. To reach Bedul location – Segoro Anak is a not difficult thing, the visitors can reach it using four wheels vehicle from Rowobendo post to west with 9.1 km distance.
The Blawan Waterfall
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Belawan Waterfall
Blawan Waterfall is located in Kalianyar village, Sempol district. It is about 52 km of Bondowoso town. Blawan Waterfall is the continuation of Kali Pahit River, which is also the disposal place of the water from Kawah Ijen, which contains of much sulfur. The water from Blawan Waterfall goes down to the earth then it shows up again in Asembagus, Situbondo district.
Blawan waterfall is surrounded by sharp cliffs and there is also stalagmite cave. It is believed that a long time ago this cave was often used for meditate. There are also macadamia plants in this area. Besides Blawan Waterfall, there is also a hot water spring for bathing in this tourism area. The tourism facilities are including; a shelter, hotels, etc.
The other tourism object that reside in one area and near to Blawan waterfall are:
1. Dhamar Wulan Natural Pool
Dhamar Wulan natural pool is located in one area with Blawan waterfall. It is surrounded with natural scenery. There are many trees and has fresh air. The water comes naturally, so clean and clear. The visitors can enjoy natural situation and having recreation here.
2. Blawan Natural Hot Spring
Blawan natural hot spring also resides in Blawan waterfall area. This pool has surrounded by nature scenery. There are many trees and clear natural water. Enjoy your holiday here with nature view around you.
Sendang Duwur
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Sendang Duwur
The impressive gateway of Sendang Duwur can be found on a hilltop not far from the coast at Paciran north of Lamongan or east of Tuban. The place name is taken from a Moslem Saint, Sunan Sendang, who was buried there in 1585. Sunan Sendang Duwur is one of the Islam spreaders in Java. His charismatic is the same as Wali Songo.
The stylistically decoration of the gateway is describe about the transition from ancient Hindu / Javanese to Moslem principles. The symbols of Hindu Majapahit lie alongside Arabic Calligraphy. The outer gateway to the graveyard has Bentar style and inside of the gateway has Paduraksa style. The beautiful woodcarving surrounds the main tomb. In the right and the left side of the wall is decorated with two giant heads from the black stone material. The pilgrims from all part of the region, often visit to this beautiful graveyard.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Citraland Surabaya
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Citral Land
In 1989, PT Ciputra Surya Tbk was become the pioneer of 'Kota Mandiri' development in West Surabaya. The first company project is Surabaya Citra Raya Real Estate that opened in 1993. This real estate is resides in an area about 1126 hectares and become the development project of the biggest Real Estate in East Java.
This real estate is known as The Singapore of Surabaya which is the cleanness, modern and green town like Singapore has. This luxuriant housing is built with inwrought security and safety system. Power cable tissue system, telephone and polarization of water stays underground.
It all supported by various facilities like golf courses and family club, international school, shopping market, and other. The housing area is managed inwrought by an institute. Once in a while we meet busy women to abstract grass weed, sprinkle crop by using sprayer and water faucet being attached alongside the road. They are worker woman that is visible contrast with "moderation" and a luxuriant housing image.
More info visit
Bratang Flower Market
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Bratang Flower Market
Bratang flower market is traditional flower market in Surabaya, precisely in Bratang street. At early begin, it was just small area that inhabited by 5 sellers from kayoon market, fortunately, this small area become large and develop since 1990s.
Today, the market is already organized; the cleanliness is already maintained and this make convenient for the visitors who want to buy flowers. Moreover, the facilities in the market are getting better, like the parking lot that is relatively safe and nice. Do not worry about the criminality during your shopping, because this area is safe from those disturbances.
At a glance, this flower market seems like an ordinary flower market, which there is numbers of ornamental plants that neatly arranged in the overhang booths, the colorful leaves and flowers that really attractive, the soothing green leaves and the fragrance.
Bratang flower market is standing on more than 2400 m2 area. There are more than 200 booths measuring 3x4 meters in every stall in the market area. And more than 65 people florists live and run the businesses.
Bratang flower market is open 24 hours a day, although some stalls closed at six o'clock. But there are few booths remain open. The visitors are mostly come on weekends, it starts from morning to the evening. Bratang flower market is the most complete market than any other florists. For instance, when in other places is very difficult to get Toga plant (Family Medicine Plantation), here on Bratang is available.
The location is very strategic because it is located near to the terminal of Bratang. It is also near to Manyar Megah Indah shopping complex and also near to bird & fish market.
More info visit
Al-Akbar Great Mosque
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Al Akbar Mosque
Al-Akbar Great mosque is located in Pagesangan Street, Jambangan sub-district, Surabaya. It was built in August, 4 1995 and was inaugurated on November 10, 2000 by Mr. President KH Abdurrahman Wahid.
Al-Akbar mosque is such a magnificent and modern mosque that has been known in Asia and Worldwide. This mosque is become another icon from Surabaya relating the religious tourism site. Al-Akbar mosque is the second largest mosque after Istiqlal Mosque in Jakarta.
Al-Akbar Great mosque has 11.2 hectare area with a building area of 28,509 square meters, 147 meters long, 128 meters wide. This mosque has two-story and being equipped by elevators and towers. The visitor who give visit to the mosque can enjoy the views of Surabaya, Sidoarjo and Bangkalan on the top of the tower, which has 99 meters high. With only Rp. 3000 per person to go to the tower.
The mosque is equipped with various amenities and facilities such as; the secretariat office, As-Shofa Al-Marwah room which has 36 mx 42 m wide square equipped with a stage exhibition carpet, sound system, air conditioned, 3 wifi spots, 100 pieces seats, dressing room and toilet and can accommodate 2000 invitations.
The unique impression of this building lies in the unique design of the dome which like the structure of the leaves , with building structure combination between dark blue and green color that gives the impression of cool and peace. It has a main building and two other buildings that can be penetrate directly into the main building.
The exterior of the mosque is decorated with various shades of carving and calligraphy. The entrance to the mosque consists of 45 main doors, and everything is made by carved teak wood. While, the interior of the mosque is decorated by carvings ornamental and calligraphy which is very dominant adorning the walls of the mosque. There is Koran shelves scattered throughout the mosque and at the top of the interior there is calligraphy ornament which has 180 meters long with one meter width.
More about the architecture, the beauty of the mosque is completely supporting by good lighting. Starting from the lighting in the building, yard, garden, until the lights that illuminating the dome and minarets.
Furthermore, the mosque becomes more magnificent by the beauty of glass ornaments in the interior decoration. The carving art glass has become a strength and beauty of its own in the field of exterior and interior, beside, it is useful to saving the energy and to muffle the noise.
Apart from being a place of worship, this mosque is also reserved for Islamic syiar. It is proved by the islamic activities like Islamic marriage ceremony often conducted in areas of Zam-Zam with facilitad by wide parking space. There is also the Zaitun venue and and Yasmin which are reserved for the Haji, recitation and religious counseling.
Overall, aside from the commercial things, the mosque is literally the place to worship Him and become the home for those who lose and exhausted, and everyone is welcome to be home.
More info visit
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Bambu Runcing Monument At Night
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Bambu Runcing Monument
Bambu runcing is such a traditional weapon that being used by the Indonesian soldiers in the battle against the Dutch colonialism. Precisely on the November, 10 1945, which is now celebrate as Heroes' Day. The shape of Bambu Runcing is in the form of bamboo spears which have function to stab the enemies. This weapon was made relating the limitation of modern weapon and to show the spirit among the soldiers as the civilians.
By commemorating those struggles, there is Bambu Runcing monument, which is located in Panglima Sudirman Street. Bambo Runcing monument is Surabaya city icon besides the Heroes Monument.
This monument is consisted of 5 pillars and have irregular high on each pillars that formed like sharp-pointed bamboo. Unfortunately, there is no exact estimation about the high on each pillars. At certain time, there will be water that flowing out from the pointed bamboo, which like spurting water from the bamboo. Moreover, this monument is surrounded by small garden that full of colorful ornamental plants encircle this monument. This concept can be one of the green concept around the city, regarding that Bambu Runcing monument is lies in the middle of rush and crowd traffic lines.
Bambu Runcing monument is settled in the heart of Surabaya, this enable the visitors who want to explore Surabaya, they can go further to the next location after visiting Bambu Runcing Monument. This place is near to Surabaya Zoo, Tunjungan Plaza or Surabaya Plaza shopping mall, or just visiting the next heroic site of Surabaya Heroes Monument.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Jalesveva Jayamahe Monument
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Jalesveva Jayamahe Monument
This monument having 30,6 meters high, which sustained by a building as high as 30 meters. This statue depict a Commandant of Indonesian Maritime Army complete with his honor sword. The statue is standing confidently toward the ocean, ready to dash against the wave and go through storm, this is shown as the aspiration of Indonesian navy.
This monument is built by The Staff Leader of Indonesia Maritime Army that then continue by Admiral TNI Muhamad Arifin and designed by Nyoman Nuarta. It uses as a Lighthouse for ships that sail. The word Jalesveva Jayamahe is taken from TNI AL motto that means, "In the sea we are glorious.
Internatio Building
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Internatio Building
Internatio Building or Internationale Crediten Handelvereeniging, is located in the corner of Heerenstraat and Willemsplein, which is now called Jayengrono Street, Surabaya. It precisely near to Jembatan Merah station and Jembatan Merah Plaza This area is considered as the busy area in Surabaya.
This building had built in 1929 by Biro Aristech AIA (Algemeen Ingenieurs en Architecten Bureau) that in Sumatrastraat 59 Surabaya.
The architect was Ir.Frans Johan Louwrens Ghijsels who bear in 1882 to realize this building. The other masterpiece was:
- NV Nederlandsch Indische Handelsbank in 1926
- Eye Hospital Oendaanstraat, Aniem building in Embong Woengoe.
This tan building has two stars, which is still seen firm and steady standing among the modernization.
Grahadi Building
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Grahadi Building
Grahadi State Building is a building in Surabaya, East Java, which was built in 1795 during the reign Residan Dirk Van Hogendorps (1794-1798). In the beginning, this building was overlooks to the Kalimas in the north side, so that on the afternoon of the occupants while drinking tea we could see the boats which were passing. Nowadays, the function of the building is an official residence of Governor of East Java.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
East Java On July 2011
The East Java’s Calendar of Events 2012 contains the schedule of some traditional ceremonies, traditions, festivals and performances which held in the cities and the regencies in East Java. It is designed to promote and to publicize the tourism agenda in the whole area in East Java.
It is important to inform that the local communities usually determine the schedules of the ceremonial events by using the calendars of Javanese, Moslem, and Hindu Tenggerese. Therefore, to assure the exact date of the events, it is advisable to confirm the local Government Tourist Offices.
We hope the East Java’s Calendar of Events 2012 will be helpful and useful for visitors and travelers.
This event is participated by local people domestic and foreign tourist Location: Batu |
24 July - JFC (Jember Fashion Carnival) | |
One of the tourism potential should be developed in Jember is Jember Fashion Carnival (JFC). This event will attract the tourist in Jember. Jember Fashion Carnival is able to involve the whole community and foreign tourists who are coming from the Netherlands, France and England. JFC starts from Jember town square and finishes at Kaliwates Sub district approximately 5 km. Location: Jember Regency |
To commemorate the birthday of Kongco Kwan Sing Tee Koen, one of the Chinese gods, the Confucius followers hold warship, parade in the city, Barong Sai and Liong Sai, public entertainment and leather puppet show. Location: Kwan Sing Biop Temple, Tuban |
Religious rituals of Hindu society is held to express thanksgiving and pray together to drive away the evil spirit. The program launches offering into the sea, stages leather puppet show and religious memorial banquet. Location: Pancer Beach, Pesanggrahan Sub district-Banyuwangi |
Surabaya stages cultural performances and collaborated with some other countries like Busan-Korea, Kochi-Jepan, Malaysia, etc. Those countries have known as the sister states of Surabaya. Location: Surabaya | |
Bull racing is a traditional culture in Madura Island, which is very famous for Madurese people. It is highlighted with various Madurese traditional art performances such as Sapi Sonok (bull beauty contest), Saronen music, and mass dance. Location: Surabaya | |
Thanksgiving procesion on the beach highlited with sailing boat parade. Location: Banyuates, Sampang | |
It originates from village purification then develops into Lake Offering Festival. This annual event aims to keep alive the legend of Lake Sarangan. It is highlighted with some performances like Ritual of Village Purification, launching offering, Reyog Trance Dance and public entertainment. Location: Lake Sarangan, Magetan Regency | |
July,August,September - BULL RACE IN SAMPANG | |
Bull racing is a traditional culture in Madura Island, which is very famous for Madurese people. It is highlighted with various Madurese traditional art performances such as Sapi Sonok (bull beauty contest), Saronen music, and mass dance. Location: Ketapang, Sampang Regency |
Friday, June 24, 2011
Kalimas Seaport
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Kalimas Traditional Seaport
Kalimas traditional seaport is located at the east of Kalimas River, lies about 10 kilometers to the west of Kenjeran beach. Kalimas is a living history of Surabaya's maritime heritage where carts and human toil continue to load and unload merchandise into and out to the tile of the Phinisi Schooners. The best visit in order to see the loading and unloading activities is in the morning or before the sunrise. The available facilities are; place parked, lodging and restaurant. It is easy and reachable by public or private vehicles.
Nowadys, The Traditional Port of Kalimas Surabaya, is not become the main port anymore. It is because, some of the entrepreneurs ship or some kind of services that use transportation of public ship, have changed over to port in Gresik.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Tenggerese People
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Tenggerese People
Tenggerese or Tengger People is one of Indonesian tribes that live around Bromo Mountain which located around Pasuruan, Lumajang, Probolinggo and Malang Regency.
The Tenggerese are the descendants of the Majapahit Princes. Their population is about 600.000 inhabitants within thirty villages.
Tenggerese are being known as obedient Hindu followers. For them, Bromo Mountain is sacred. In once in a year they held ceremony of Kasada or Yadnya Kasada as a thanks giving to the Lord. This ceremony is always held in midnite in full moon time around date of 14 or 15, based on Javanese Calender.
Beside Hindu, Tenggerese are also incorporated with Buddhist and Animist. Like Balinese, they worship Sang Hyang Widi Wasa or Big Almighty Lord. Their places of worship include the Punden, Poten and Danyang. The Poten is a sacred area of ground at Mt. Bromo's Sand sea, and becomes the focus of the annual Kasada Ceremony. Within the Poten, it contains several buildings and enclosures, arranged in a specific composition called the Mandalas (Zones).
The Tenggeres also worship a host of spirits or such ancestor worship. Cikal Bakal is the spirit of the founders of the village, while the Roh Bahurekso is the village guardian spirit and The Roh Leluhur is the spirit of ancestors.
The name Tengger is believed taken from the name of the ancestor, who was Roro Anteng and Joko Seger. In daily speaking, Tenggerese speak in Javanese, in Majapahit dialect, which is Bahasa Tengger. They also have their own written based on Kavi script, an old Javanese Brahmu type.
The Tenggerese are basically either agriculturalists or nomadic herders. The agriculturalists generally live on the lower altitudes, while the nomads live on the higher altitudes, riding on small horses. Regarding that Bromo Mountain is the most attractive Mountain that visited by worldwide tourist, it makes Tenggerese find the opportunities to make a living by guiding, renting a horse, selling merchandise or selling food in stalls around Bromo Mountain.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
East Java On June
The East Java’s Calendar of Events 2012 contains the schedule of some traditional ceremonies, traditions, festivals and performances which held in the cities and the regencies in East Java. It is designed to promote and to publicize the tourism agenda in the whole area in East Java. It is important to inform that the local communities usually determine the schedules of the ceremonial events by using the calendars of Javanese, Moslem, and Hindu Tenggerese.
Therefore, to assure the exact date of the events, it is advisable to confirm the local Government Tourist Offices. We hope the East Java’s Calendar of Events 2012 will be helpful and useful for visitors and travelers.
To commemorate the birth of Pancasila, the symbol of Indonesian Country, some cultural events are performed by artists with a touch of ethics and aesthetics without leaving the solemnity and meaning of a ceremony. Procession of Grebeg Pancasila includes the agenda of Bedhol Grebeg in Gebang Palace, Cultural Ceremony at Town Square, parade steamed cone rice resembling five mountains in the central city and ends with religious memorial banquet at the Soekarno Tomb. Location: Blitar Municipality | |
Join the popular sky gliding festival in Batu mountain resort. The gliding launches from Mt. Banyak and lands in Songgomaruto field. This event promotes the beautiful panorama of Batu view from the air. It has already become an international and tourism event in East Java. Location: Batu City | |
6-12 June - PIODALAN | |
Hindu has a thanksgiving ceremony called Peodalan in Senduro village. It aims to commemorate the success of establishing the temple in East Java. At this ceremony, you will see an offering procession and enjoy Bali and Java art performances while looking at the beauty of bright full moon. It is held from the full moon night to the next eleven nights. Location: Great Temple Mandara Giri, Lumajang Regency | |
21 june - HAUL BUNG KARNO | |
To commemorate and glorify the meritorious service of the Indonesian independence proclaimer, some performances are staged: Poetry Reading, Reciting the Holy Qur’an, public preacher and visiting the tomb of Soekarno. Location: Gebang Palace or Amphitheatre at Bung Karno Library. | |
This event is participated by local people, domestic and foreign tourist. Location: Rampal, Malang. | |
It is participated by national and international artist of any fields such as music, painting, theatre etc. Location: Surabaya City | |
To introduce the East Java traditional foods in the regional, national and international and to be served in hotels or restaurants, East Java Government Culture and Tourism Service holds annual Food Festival. The participants are coming from Hotels and Restaurants throughout East Java. Location: Surabaya. |
For details visit
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Mojowarno Church
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Mojowarno Church - Jombang"][/caption]
Mojowarno Church
Mojowarno’s Eastern Javanese Christian Church, a history witnesses whom stands still through times changes. As if almighty God whom stays inside, to be a King and a Father. The quotation above is come from the verse of the Bible, which shows the communities’ submission from its local inhabitant, whose trying so hard to construct the church to be an appropriate Abode.
Starting from the hidden little garden, this Church was build. By being a minority in the middle of differences, this modesty church had transform dynamically with the spirit from the communion into one of an icon for East Java now days. It is not a tourism destination to be visit for pleasure time, but by this Church people can learn about how its struggling so hard to stand still through times changing, while we can learn more how to be grateful.
The early communion was held on 1845, the building was starting from inappropriate little shack, till it has some renovated for many times and being a simply and comfy Abode to live for. This Church is not a kind of fancy and sophisticated architecture, by its simplicity makes this church looks firm and strong. As if represent the struggle of the people who stands for it.
January 24, 1879 the church had first renovating and it was officially re-open on March 3, 1881. By the spirit to renovate this church, the spirit of the communion had also be change to be better in life. While, to celebrate a century of this church there were next renovated which start from July 23, 1979 to December 23, 1979. This Church has Byzantine and Gothic style of architecture, like the early 12 Century Churches. It has shown the blandness of western and our cultural way of style.
Mojowarno’s Eastern Javanese Christian Church, a symbol of history, which stands still through times. Strong and firm as if the almighty God.
More info visit: www.eastjava.com
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Madura Annual Bull Race
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Karapan Sapi
Karapan Sapi, is Madura annual traditional event, it is such a bull racing tournament. It usually being held at week end within August to September, or ideally before or after the fasting month. Date back to the early begin, Karapan Sapi was exist before 15 Century. The championship is starting from the district level to the regency level and forwarded to the level Residence. Last, the final will be held on September or October in the city of Pamekasan to compete for President Cup.
Karapan Sapi is such a prestigious event for Madurese people, for the bull's owner will feel uplifted the social status if their bull can be a champion. This event is become an outstanding-event-party for Madurese, it needs more energy, more beneficial times and, of course, more money to spend. Regarding this event, the bull is become an investment out of gold and money. Thus, the owner will more concern to make their bull winning in this race.
At this race, the bull will race in pair. There is also standing wooden cart that putted in those bull's back, a place for the joky to ride away the bull and controling their fast, named Keleles. The track races are typically about 100 meters long and it takes about ten to fifteen seconds. Before racing the bull, each contingent teams will showing up their proudness bull in parade, accompanied by the Madura traditional instrumental named Saronen.
Looking for the background, bull is not an animal type for racing activities for their not fast runner animals. But this can be solved by training the bull twice or third times a week, not more than that. The exercise is held around 3pm before dawn.
It is said that a pair of healthy and strong bulls will cost Rp. 4 millions per pair for their food and other maintenance. Moreover, they are also consuming some traditional herb and dozens of chicken eggs per days.
To make the bulls running as fast as they can, the oxtail are tied with nails and it was also given the chili and ginger. The jockey's whip is also added by nails. It seems sadistic here, but that is the way, the culture. The more they get hurt, the more of the bull will run faster. God bless the cows.
More info visit:
The Green Wonosari Agro Tourism
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Wonosari Agro Tourism
Wonosari Agro Tourism or Wonosari Tea Garden is located on the slopes of Mount Arjuna,
Malang regency, East Java. This plantation is located at an altitude
between the elevation of 950-1250 with temperatures between
19-26 degrees Celsius.
Wonosari Agro Tourismis managed by PT Perkebunan Nusantara XII
(Persero), the state company (BUMN) which moves in the field of coffee,
cocoa, rubber, tea, and horticulture. Agro Wonosari Tea Garden is one
of a comfortable place to visit because of the mild climate conditions
and the natural beauty panorama.
Wonosari Agro Tourism is suitable for families, especially on weekends.
Tourists who visit the tea plantation tourism can enjoy some of this
attraction, recreation, sports, and activities to draw knowledge.
Moreover, the visitors can also enjoy the natural charm of tea,
breathe fresh air while walking or running, see the activity
of the tea-picker, and how to draw knowledge about tea cultivation until it ready to be consumed.
The entrance fee in days (Monday-Saturday) is about Rp 5,000 per person, while on holidays (Sunday and national holidays etc.) the visitor will be required to pay Rp 6,000 (February 2008).
There are some additional accommodation and Facilities that invites the visitors and children to come,
such as play ground, Mini Train ride, and Mini Golf. In this location, there is also available a swimming
pool, self-service shops, stalls and telephone, outbond, sport horse, bicycle track, soccer field, volleyball,
and tennis.
For those who want to stay, there are home stays available. It is affordable between Rp 100,000-Rp 300,000 per night, depends on the complement of the facilities provided, such as air conditioner and hot water shower. If you want
to camp, a visitor can use the camping ground which also provided by the developer of this plantation.
More info visit: www.eastjava.com
Sayid Sulaiman Grave
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Sayid Sulaiman Grave
Friday 'Legi' (one of Javanese's days) Night, the easier expression to remember a ritual activity of pilgrimage to Mbah Sayyid Sulaiman grave, which attended by thousands of people who coming from various place.
It is beginning when Mbah Sayyid take hold as Wodli in Kanigoro, Pasuruan. When he had pilgrimage to waliulloh Mbah Raden Alif grave in Mancilan, Mojoagung, he was sick and finally he passed away in that place.
This graveyard is in Mancilan, Mojoagung district. Moreover, it is easy to visit, because we can use various vehicles. Besides known as historic place, this grave is also assumed as a holy place. Sometimes there are many people are having pilgrimage for ‘ask a benediction'.
According to history that has written, Mbah Sayyid Sulaiman is one of the descendants of Rasulullah (Muhammad SAW) to 26. During his life, he recognized as religious man, has good personality and his behaviour almost has no different with Rasulullah (Muhammad SAW). He is wise, especially in taking every decision, decent to humanity and respect to each and everyone who met him.
As 'pedigree' of Prophet, Mbah Sayyid Sulaiman was always respecting the religious activity. In all broadcast religion opportunity, he always used Rasulullah SAW style. Mbah Sayyid was also fond to had pilgrimage in all of Moslem member’s graveyards. He passed away in 17 RobiuI AwaI (one of Java's months) 1193 H or 24 Marchs 1780 M. His mother was a Cirebon King's daughter.
It is better if visit to Raden Alif grave first to ‘ask for permission‘, because the purpose of Mbah Sayyid Sulaiman was for having pilgrimage to MbahAlif. It is the ethnics of having pilgrimage, and this thing is still become culture.
Hence, the impact of the pilgrims, especially to Friday 'Legi' night, is influence the economics life of people around. It is because the people around has sell some merchandises with cheap price.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Peneleh Fruit Market
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Peneleh Fruit Market
(The Traditional Fruit Market Since 19th Century)
Peneleh Fruit Market is other traditional fruit market in Surabaya like Widodaren market, Pawiyatan Fruit Market and Dupak Fruit Market. At early begin, there was Balinese that visit to Surabaya which try to look for better life. Because at that moment there was many buses from Bali which its passenger was downwards around Peneleh Street Surabaya, for loading and unloading at elbow Bali Hotel, Singaraja Hotel.
The Balinese brought fruits in large number and it became increase. Hence, to fulfill the request needed the Balines put the fruits in Peneleh and also become the main market in Surabaya. It was a lady named Made Prami who become pioneer of Peneleh Fruit Market.
Grape, was first commodity that commercialized and made Penenleh market become popular as Grape Fruit Market. Grape and Rambutan delivered from Singaraja regency and, Salak (fruit of palm) were coming from Sibetan-Karangasem.
Till now, the fruit consumers feel love to trade here because it is located in strategic area. Besides Grape, there are also Salak Pondoh, Apples from Batu, Palembang and Banjarnegara. Along the existence of Peneleh and Achmad Jais Street, there are also merchant who has shop or large building to sell import fruit.
Karet Street, The Surabaya's China Town
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Karet Street
Walking along Karet Street, Surabaya, we will see lot of ancient mansions which seems inhabitant with grey and shady painted in all over the exterior. This street is such the heart of Surabaya. Since early in the morning to the late evening, there will be tight and busy activities around the street for this street are the main access to Kembang Jepun Street. There are many stripper buildings that being functioned as warehouse, so there are many large size trucks that are parked through this street.
There are some colonial buildings which are still on its originality and never get renovated.
These buildings look very old –fashioned and vintage or even creepy compared with modern buildings between other streets in Surabaya. This street is sometime renown as Surabaya’s China town for it inhabited by Tionghoa citizen that live peacefully with other tribe like Javanese and Arab.
Many photographers are interested with this place because of the old and heritage view. They usually use this place as the background of pre-wedding photo section. Today, not only the photographers who take the pictures here, but the young people, children and even the old people also like taking some pictures here. It is genuinely unique heritage area in the city of Surabaya.
More info visit
Monday, May 9, 2011
Sarangan Lake
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Sarangan Lake
Telaga Sarangan is also known as sand lake, is a natural lake that lies at the foot of Mount Lawu, Plaosan district , Magetan regency, East Java. Located about 16 kilometers west of the city Magetan, Sarangan is having 30 acres and and 28 meters depth. With air temperatures between 18 and 25 degrees Celsius, Telaga Sarangan able to attract hundreds of thousands of visitors each year. The atmosphere is obviously become the most interesting place for the downtown people.
Telaga Sarangan is Magetan’s tourism. Around the lake, there are two star hotels, 43 motels, and 18 cottages. Beside hotels, there are also souvenir shop and food vendors. The visitors can enjoy the lake by renting the boat or horse riding over the lake or playing in the play ground or traditional market. For those who like to eat satay, here the visitors can eat rabbit satay which is become the characteristic of Sarangan.
Furthermore, Telaga Sarangan has several important annual events, which is anchoring the offerings on Friday Pon in Ruwah month (Javanese calender), Ledug Sura 1 Muharram, and fireworks on New Year's Eve.
More info visit
Over The Dam
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Pondok Dam
Pondok Dam is located in Dero village, Bringin district, about 6 km east of Ngawi. It is a popular tourism object among the local tourists. Beside its functions as irrigation purposes, it also offers variety recreational activities such as; fishing, motor boating, camping, playground etc.
Pondok Dam is the answer to spend of our day, because it has beautifull and natural scenery. This location has surrounded by Mahoni and teak trees. The total of water area is more than 2,596 hectares. Pondok Dam is offers a lot of fascinating, enjoyment and comfortable condition that can entertained its visitor.
Lean On Papuma
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Papuma Beach
Beside Watu Ulo beach, there is Papuma beach with its white sands that make it more interesting. The beautiful white sand is pleasure to see and to walk on. The beach is always used as the place for sunbathing by foreign tourists.
Besides its natural scenic beauty, it is also rich of animals, such as the lizard, forest cock, various birds, wild pig, deer porcupine, scaly anteater and many others.
The scenery and atmosphere can be enjoyed more completely at a restaurant which provides Indonesian and Papuma food, a variety of baked fish. Visitors can reach the location by public transportation or via rental car. The journey takes approximately 30 minutes from Jember downtown.
More details visit
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Gamelan Magetan
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Gamelan Handicraft
Gamelan is set of traditional java music instrument, it played during traditional occasion like Javanese marriage or annual ceremony. This industry come up in Magelang, which also one of regency that produce handicrafts. This gamelan industry has been exported to some countries in Europe continents. The centralization is in Kauman village, Karangrejo about 14 km to east side of Magetan city.
More info visit
Monday, May 2, 2011
Baby Turtle On Ngagelan Beach
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="480" caption="Ngagelan Beach - Banyuwangi"][/caption]
Ngagelan Beach
Ngagelan beach is a breeding area. It is located 7 km to the west of Trianggulasi Bay. It is also the hachery for the baby turtles. Some biology students do the research here.
Ngagelan beach has much kind of turtle, such as Lepidochelys olivaceae, Eretmochelys imbricata, Dermochelys coreacea, Chelonia mydas, etc. Lepidochelys olivaceae is the most available here. Ngagelan beach can reach by any vehicle from Rowobendo post through west direction or it can be reach by foot through the beach that about 8 km.
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Kendedes Handicraft
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="420" caption="Kendedes Handicraft - Malang"][/caption]
Kendedes Handicraft
Malang regency has a handicraft center named “Pusat Kerajinan Kendedes” or Handicraft Center of Kendedes. Technology development brings Malang societies become dynamic society. There are many home industries that carry out nature source, such as; chips industry that use cassava, potatoes, etc; as its main material. Wooden sandal and the other handicraft industry have developed faster.
This potency has attracted many foreign and domestic tourists to explore Malang tourism. They interesting about Malang handicraft and souvenirs. To increase this potency, Malang regency prepares its home industries to become handicraft center area. One of them is Handicraft Center Of Kendedes. It sells many kind of handicraft product, such as; accessories, wooden crafting, unique bag, etc. Those products are handmade products, which made by Malang carvers and crafter.
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East Java On May
There are various ceremonies and traditions among East Java communities, in relation with religiosity, it held regularly on every year, and becomes special attraction that are quite interesting to see. The arts and cultural performances and the festivals that are routinely held and packaged in the tourism agenda also enrich the number of tourist attractions in East Java.
The East Java’s Calendar of Events 2012 contains the schedule of some traditional ceremonies, traditions, festivals and performances which held in the cities and the regencies in East Java. It is designed to promote and to publicize the tourism agenda in the whole area in East Java.
It is important to inform that the local communities usually determine the schedules of the ceremonial events by using the calendars of Javanese, Moslem, and Hindu Tenggerese. Therefore, to assure the exact date of the events, it is advisable to confirm the local Government Tourist Offices.
We hope the East Java’s Calendar of Events 2012 will be helpful and useful for visitors and travelers.
Surabaya as a business and convention city commemorates its anniversary by holding tourism event and big shopping festival. The Malls and plazas throughout Surabaya will co-oporate in “Surabaya Big Sales” offer discount prices. This season ends with various entertainments and interesting art performances. Location : Malls and Entertainment Centers in Surabaya |
To promote East Java Province as a tourist destination worldwide, East Java Government Culture and Tourism Service collaborates with tourism industries holds Majapahit Travel Fair (MTF) 2011. The official program features include of travel exchange, exhibition, workshop, art and cultural festival, and various kinds of contest. Location : Surabaya |
Sunan Giri, was one of the nine Moslem spreaders in Java Island (one of the nine Saints), which was also the founder of Gresik Regency. The word Gresik stands for Giri and Gisik. To commemorate his death, some activities like Hadrah and religious preacher are held. The event is held at the cemetery site located on the hilltop Giri, Kebomas Sub district. Location: Sunan Giri Tomb, Gresik Regency | |
Bantengan Festival has been going on long time ago in Mojokerto Regency. The Bantengan is a traditional performance in which the players wearing the costume like wild buffalo dance and fight each other. It is usually participated by more than 50 groups and last 3 days. Location: Trawas, Mojokerto Regency | |
Float parade festival aims to commemorate the 718th Surabaya anniversary. It starts from Heroes’ monument and finishes at Surabaya Municipality Hall. It is also highlighted with cultural performances from many cities in the country. Location : Surabaya Municipality Hall | |
Rujak Ulek is a special cuisine from Surabaya. The festival stages hundreds people to prepare and serve Rujak Ulek and presents a large-sized grinder 1, 5 m in diameter. The third Sunday in May Location:Jl.Kembang Jepun Surabaya | |
To appreciate the beautiful beaches in Pacitan, the people around the regency are held surfing competition. All people can join this competition and it also opened for all domestic and foreign tourists. Location:Pancer Beach - Pacitan Regency |
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Friday, April 29, 2011
Lamongan Terracotta Handicraft
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Terracotta Handicraft
At present, the number of small industry in Lamongan, either formal or npon-formal ones, reaches 23,843 units. Among those small industries and people's crafts, some have exported the products to the markets of Korea, Belgium, Australia, and Germany. They are wooden craft, earthenware craft or terracotta, bamboo-plaited craft, bicycle-saddle craft, bag craft made of Enceng Gondok (water hyacinth) in Lamongan and Mantup village.
Terracotta or pottery craft home industry is located in 7th Jl. Pembangunan Lamongan. It has success to reach the export market such as Korea, Belgia, Australia and German.
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