[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Mojowarno Church - Jombang"][/caption]
Mojowarno Church
Mojowarno’s Eastern Javanese Christian Church, a history witnesses whom stands still through times changes. As if almighty God whom stays inside, to be a King and a Father. The quotation above is come from the verse of the Bible, which shows the communities’ submission from its local inhabitant, whose trying so hard to construct the church to be an appropriate Abode.
Starting from the hidden little garden, this Church was build. By being a minority in the middle of differences, this modesty church had transform dynamically with the spirit from the communion into one of an icon for East Java now days. It is not a tourism destination to be visit for pleasure time, but by this Church people can learn about how its struggling so hard to stand still through times changing, while we can learn more how to be grateful.
The early communion was held on 1845, the building was starting from inappropriate little shack, till it has some renovated for many times and being a simply and comfy Abode to live for. This Church is not a kind of fancy and sophisticated architecture, by its simplicity makes this church looks firm and strong. As if represent the struggle of the people who stands for it.
January 24, 1879 the church had first renovating and it was officially re-open on March 3, 1881. By the spirit to renovate this church, the spirit of the communion had also be change to be better in life. While, to celebrate a century of this church there were next renovated which start from July 23, 1979 to December 23, 1979. This Church has Byzantine and Gothic style of architecture, like the early 12 Century Churches. It has shown the blandness of western and our cultural way of style.
Mojowarno’s Eastern Javanese Christian Church, a symbol of history, which stands still through times. Strong and firm as if the almighty God.
More info visit: www.eastjava.com
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Mojowarno Church
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Madura Annual Bull Race
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Karapan Sapi
Karapan Sapi, is Madura annual traditional event, it is such a bull racing tournament. It usually being held at week end within August to September, or ideally before or after the fasting month. Date back to the early begin, Karapan Sapi was exist before 15 Century. The championship is starting from the district level to the regency level and forwarded to the level Residence. Last, the final will be held on September or October in the city of Pamekasan to compete for President Cup.
Karapan Sapi is such a prestigious event for Madurese people, for the bull's owner will feel uplifted the social status if their bull can be a champion. This event is become an outstanding-event-party for Madurese, it needs more energy, more beneficial times and, of course, more money to spend. Regarding this event, the bull is become an investment out of gold and money. Thus, the owner will more concern to make their bull winning in this race.
At this race, the bull will race in pair. There is also standing wooden cart that putted in those bull's back, a place for the joky to ride away the bull and controling their fast, named Keleles. The track races are typically about 100 meters long and it takes about ten to fifteen seconds. Before racing the bull, each contingent teams will showing up their proudness bull in parade, accompanied by the Madura traditional instrumental named Saronen.
Looking for the background, bull is not an animal type for racing activities for their not fast runner animals. But this can be solved by training the bull twice or third times a week, not more than that. The exercise is held around 3pm before dawn.
It is said that a pair of healthy and strong bulls will cost Rp. 4 millions per pair for their food and other maintenance. Moreover, they are also consuming some traditional herb and dozens of chicken eggs per days.
To make the bulls running as fast as they can, the oxtail are tied with nails and it was also given the chili and ginger. The jockey's whip is also added by nails. It seems sadistic here, but that is the way, the culture. The more they get hurt, the more of the bull will run faster. God bless the cows.
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The Green Wonosari Agro Tourism
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Wonosari Agro Tourism
Wonosari Agro Tourism or Wonosari Tea Garden is located on the slopes of Mount Arjuna,
Malang regency, East Java. This plantation is located at an altitude
between the elevation of 950-1250 with temperatures between
19-26 degrees Celsius.
Wonosari Agro Tourismis managed by PT Perkebunan Nusantara XII
(Persero), the state company (BUMN) which moves in the field of coffee,
cocoa, rubber, tea, and horticulture. Agro Wonosari Tea Garden is one
of a comfortable place to visit because of the mild climate conditions
and the natural beauty panorama.
Wonosari Agro Tourism is suitable for families, especially on weekends.
Tourists who visit the tea plantation tourism can enjoy some of this
attraction, recreation, sports, and activities to draw knowledge.
Moreover, the visitors can also enjoy the natural charm of tea,
breathe fresh air while walking or running, see the activity
of the tea-picker, and how to draw knowledge about tea cultivation until it ready to be consumed.
The entrance fee in days (Monday-Saturday) is about Rp 5,000 per person, while on holidays (Sunday and national holidays etc.) the visitor will be required to pay Rp 6,000 (February 2008).
There are some additional accommodation and Facilities that invites the visitors and children to come,
such as play ground, Mini Train ride, and Mini Golf. In this location, there is also available a swimming
pool, self-service shops, stalls and telephone, outbond, sport horse, bicycle track, soccer field, volleyball,
and tennis.
For those who want to stay, there are home stays available. It is affordable between Rp 100,000-Rp 300,000 per night, depends on the complement of the facilities provided, such as air conditioner and hot water shower. If you want
to camp, a visitor can use the camping ground which also provided by the developer of this plantation.
More info visit: www.eastjava.com
Sayid Sulaiman Grave
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="384" caption="Sayid Sulaiman Grave - Jombang"][/caption]
Sayid Sulaiman Grave
Friday 'Legi' (one of Javanese's days) Night, the easier expression to remember a ritual activity of pilgrimage to Mbah Sayyid Sulaiman grave, which attended by thousands of people who coming from various place.
It is beginning when Mbah Sayyid take hold as Wodli in Kanigoro, Pasuruan. When he had pilgrimage to waliulloh Mbah Raden Alif grave in Mancilan, Mojoagung, he was sick and finally he passed away in that place.
This graveyard is in Mancilan, Mojoagung district. Moreover, it is easy to visit, because we can use various vehicles. Besides known as historic place, this grave is also assumed as a holy place. Sometimes there are many people are having pilgrimage for ‘ask a benediction'.
According to history that has written, Mbah Sayyid Sulaiman is one of the descendants of Rasulullah (Muhammad SAW) to 26. During his life, he recognized as religious man, has good personality and his behaviour almost has no different with Rasulullah (Muhammad SAW). He is wise, especially in taking every decision, decent to humanity and respect to each and everyone who met him.
As 'pedigree' of Prophet, Mbah Sayyid Sulaiman was always respecting the religious activity. In all broadcast religion opportunity, he always used Rasulullah SAW style. Mbah Sayyid was also fond to had pilgrimage in all of Moslem member’s graveyards. He passed away in 17 RobiuI AwaI (one of Java's months) 1193 H or 24 Marchs 1780 M. His mother was a Cirebon King's daughter.
It is better if visit to Raden Alif grave first to ‘ask for permission‘, because the purpose of Mbah Sayyid Sulaiman was for having pilgrimage to MbahAlif. It is the ethnics of having pilgrimage, and this thing is still become culture.
Hence, the impact of the pilgrims, especially to Friday 'Legi' night, is influence the economics life of people around. It is because the people around has sell some merchandises with cheap price.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Peneleh Fruit Market
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="384" caption="Peneleh Fruit Market - Surabaya"][/caption]
Peneleh Fruit Market
(The Traditional Fruit Market Since 19th Century)
Peneleh Fruit Market is other traditional fruit market in Surabaya like Widodaren market, Pawiyatan Fruit Market and Dupak Fruit Market. At early begin, there was Balinese that visit to Surabaya which try to look for better life. Because at that moment there was many buses from Bali which its passenger was downwards around Peneleh Street Surabaya, for loading and unloading at elbow Bali Hotel, Singaraja Hotel.
The Balinese brought fruits in large number and it became increase. Hence, to fulfill the request needed the Balines put the fruits in Peneleh and also become the main market in Surabaya. It was a lady named Made Prami who become pioneer of Peneleh Fruit Market.
Grape, was first commodity that commercialized and made Penenleh market become popular as Grape Fruit Market. Grape and Rambutan delivered from Singaraja regency and, Salak (fruit of palm) were coming from Sibetan-Karangasem.
Till now, the fruit consumers feel love to trade here because it is located in strategic area. Besides Grape, there are also Salak Pondoh, Apples from Batu, Palembang and Banjarnegara. Along the existence of Peneleh and Achmad Jais Street, there are also merchant who has shop or large building to sell import fruit.
Karet Street, The Surabaya's China Town
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="480" caption="China Town At Karet Street - Surabaya"][/caption]
Karet Street
Walking along Karet Street, Surabaya, we will see lot of ancient mansions which seems inhabitant with grey and shady painted in all over the exterior. This street is such the heart of Surabaya. Since early in the morning to the late evening, there will be tight and busy activities around the street for this street are the main access to Kembang Jepun Street. There are many stripper buildings that being functioned as warehouse, so there are many large size trucks that are parked through this street.
There are some colonial buildings which are still on its originality and never get renovated.
These buildings look very old –fashioned and vintage or even creepy compared with modern buildings between other streets in Surabaya. This street is sometime renown as Surabaya’s China town for it inhabited by Tionghoa citizen that live peacefully with other tribe like Javanese and Arab.
Many photographers are interested with this place because of the old and heritage view. They usually use this place as the background of pre-wedding photo section. Today, not only the photographers who take the pictures here, but the young people, children and even the old people also like taking some pictures here. It is genuinely unique heritage area in the city of Surabaya.
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Monday, May 9, 2011
Sarangan Lake
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="480" caption="Sarangan Lake - Magetan"][/caption]
Sarangan Lake
Telaga Sarangan is also known as sand lake, is a natural lake that lies at the foot of Mount Lawu, Plaosan district , Magetan regency, East Java. Located about 16 kilometers west of the city Magetan, Sarangan is having 30 acres and and 28 meters depth. With air temperatures between 18 and 25 degrees Celsius, Telaga Sarangan able to attract hundreds of thousands of visitors each year. The atmosphere is obviously become the most interesting place for the downtown people.
Telaga Sarangan is Magetan’s tourism. Around the lake, there are two star hotels, 43 motels, and 18 cottages. Beside hotels, there are also souvenir shop and food vendors. The visitors can enjoy the lake by renting the boat or horse riding over the lake or playing in the play ground or traditional market. For those who like to eat satay, here the visitors can eat rabbit satay which is become the characteristic of Sarangan.
Furthermore, Telaga Sarangan has several important annual events, which is anchoring the offerings on Friday Pon in Ruwah month (Javanese calender), Ledug Sura 1 Muharram, and fireworks on New Year's Eve.
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Over The Dam
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="384" caption="Pondok Dam - Ngawi"][/caption]
Pondok Dam
Pondok Dam is located in Dero village, Bringin district, about 6 km east of Ngawi. It is a popular tourism object among the local tourists. Beside its functions as irrigation purposes, it also offers variety recreational activities such as; fishing, motor boating, camping, playground etc.
Pondok Dam is the answer to spend of our day, because it has beautifull and natural scenery. This location has surrounded by Mahoni and teak trees. The total of water area is more than 2,596 hectares. Pondok Dam is offers a lot of fascinating, enjoyment and comfortable condition that can entertained its visitor.
Lean On Papuma
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Papuma Beach
Beside Watu Ulo beach, there is Papuma beach with its white sands that make it more interesting. The beautiful white sand is pleasure to see and to walk on. The beach is always used as the place for sunbathing by foreign tourists.
Besides its natural scenic beauty, it is also rich of animals, such as the lizard, forest cock, various birds, wild pig, deer porcupine, scaly anteater and many others.
The scenery and atmosphere can be enjoyed more completely at a restaurant which provides Indonesian and Papuma food, a variety of baked fish. Visitors can reach the location by public transportation or via rental car. The journey takes approximately 30 minutes from Jember downtown.
More details visit
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Gamelan Magetan
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Gamelan Handicraft
Gamelan is set of traditional java music instrument, it played during traditional occasion like Javanese marriage or annual ceremony. This industry come up in Magelang, which also one of regency that produce handicrafts. This gamelan industry has been exported to some countries in Europe continents. The centralization is in Kauman village, Karangrejo about 14 km to east side of Magetan city.
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Monday, May 2, 2011
Baby Turtle On Ngagelan Beach
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Ngagelan Beach
Ngagelan beach is a breeding area. It is located 7 km to the west of Trianggulasi Bay. It is also the hachery for the baby turtles. Some biology students do the research here.
Ngagelan beach has much kind of turtle, such as Lepidochelys olivaceae, Eretmochelys imbricata, Dermochelys coreacea, Chelonia mydas, etc. Lepidochelys olivaceae is the most available here. Ngagelan beach can reach by any vehicle from Rowobendo post through west direction or it can be reach by foot through the beach that about 8 km.
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Kendedes Handicraft
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="420" caption="Kendedes Handicraft - Malang"][/caption]
Kendedes Handicraft
Malang regency has a handicraft center named “Pusat Kerajinan Kendedes” or Handicraft Center of Kendedes. Technology development brings Malang societies become dynamic society. There are many home industries that carry out nature source, such as; chips industry that use cassava, potatoes, etc; as its main material. Wooden sandal and the other handicraft industry have developed faster.
This potency has attracted many foreign and domestic tourists to explore Malang tourism. They interesting about Malang handicraft and souvenirs. To increase this potency, Malang regency prepares its home industries to become handicraft center area. One of them is Handicraft Center Of Kendedes. It sells many kind of handicraft product, such as; accessories, wooden crafting, unique bag, etc. Those products are handmade products, which made by Malang carvers and crafter.
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East Java On May
There are various ceremonies and traditions among East Java communities, in relation with religiosity, it held regularly on every year, and becomes special attraction that are quite interesting to see. The arts and cultural performances and the festivals that are routinely held and packaged in the tourism agenda also enrich the number of tourist attractions in East Java.
The East Java’s Calendar of Events 2012 contains the schedule of some traditional ceremonies, traditions, festivals and performances which held in the cities and the regencies in East Java. It is designed to promote and to publicize the tourism agenda in the whole area in East Java.
It is important to inform that the local communities usually determine the schedules of the ceremonial events by using the calendars of Javanese, Moslem, and Hindu Tenggerese. Therefore, to assure the exact date of the events, it is advisable to confirm the local Government Tourist Offices.
We hope the East Java’s Calendar of Events 2012 will be helpful and useful for visitors and travelers.
Surabaya as a business and convention city commemorates its anniversary by holding tourism event and big shopping festival. The Malls and plazas throughout Surabaya will co-oporate in “Surabaya Big Sales” offer discount prices. This season ends with various entertainments and interesting art performances. Location : Malls and Entertainment Centers in Surabaya |
To promote East Java Province as a tourist destination worldwide, East Java Government Culture and Tourism Service collaborates with tourism industries holds Majapahit Travel Fair (MTF) 2011. The official program features include of travel exchange, exhibition, workshop, art and cultural festival, and various kinds of contest. Location : Surabaya |
Sunan Giri, was one of the nine Moslem spreaders in Java Island (one of the nine Saints), which was also the founder of Gresik Regency. The word Gresik stands for Giri and Gisik. To commemorate his death, some activities like Hadrah and religious preacher are held. The event is held at the cemetery site located on the hilltop Giri, Kebomas Sub district. Location: Sunan Giri Tomb, Gresik Regency | |
Bantengan Festival has been going on long time ago in Mojokerto Regency. The Bantengan is a traditional performance in which the players wearing the costume like wild buffalo dance and fight each other. It is usually participated by more than 50 groups and last 3 days. Location: Trawas, Mojokerto Regency | |
Float parade festival aims to commemorate the 718th Surabaya anniversary. It starts from Heroes’ monument and finishes at Surabaya Municipality Hall. It is also highlighted with cultural performances from many cities in the country. Location : Surabaya Municipality Hall | |
Rujak Ulek is a special cuisine from Surabaya. The festival stages hundreds people to prepare and serve Rujak Ulek and presents a large-sized grinder 1, 5 m in diameter. The third Sunday in May Location:Jl.Kembang Jepun Surabaya | |
To appreciate the beautiful beaches in Pacitan, the people around the regency are held surfing competition. All people can join this competition and it also opened for all domestic and foreign tourists. Location:Pancer Beach - Pacitan Regency |
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